
Join DG Recruit

Recruitment is an exciting, lucrative, challenging, and fulfilling career path.

DG Recruit is truly a unique recruitment business that is revolutionizing the way recruiters develop, grow, and access success in our exciting career as an agency recruiter. We are hiring for like-minded go-getters who are fun, charismatic, ambitious, and driven to help our clients and candidates maximize their success within agency recruitment. Let’s get started.

  • Step 1. Listen to and study the DG Recruit Podcast, available here
  • Step 2. Complete the DG Recruit Application Form, available here-->link to form below.
  • Step 3. Once you’re done, email DG Recruit with your resume.
  • Step 4. DG Recruit will get in touch if you qualify for our representation.

Your privacy is important to us. Your message is 100% confidential and will only be submitted to the DG Recruit team privately. Thank you for your discretion.

Recruiter Application Form